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Bases: object

Source code in kosh/
class KoshSchema(object):
    def __init__(self, required={}, optional={}):
        """Schema for Kosh objects
        :param required: Dictionary of required keys and their validation function(s).
        :type required: dict
        :param optional: Dictionary of optional keys and their validation function(s)
        :type optional: dict
        Validation functions must be pickable.
        If multiple validation functions are provided (in a list),
        then the attribute is valid if ANY function return True.
        Validation function must return True, False or raise an Exception.
        self.required = required
        self.optional = optional

    def __str__(self):
        """string representation"""
        st = """Kosh Validation Object
        Required attributes and their validations:
        Optional attributes and their validations:
        {}""".format(self.required, self.optional)
        return st

    def validate(self, obj):
        """validate an object through a schema
        Checks that the obj has all the required attribute
        and that both required and present optional attributes pass
        validation functions.

        :param obj: object to validate
        :type obj: str
        :raises ValueError: obj does not validate through the schema
        :return: True if validates
        "rtype: bool
        # First check all the required keys
        req_errors = {}
        for k, v in self.required.items():
                value = getattr(obj, k)
                validate_value(value, v)
            except Exception as err:
                req_errors[k] = err
        opt_errors = {}
        for k, v in self.optional.items():
                value = getattr(obj, k)
            except AttributeError:
                validate_value(value, v)
            except Exception as err:
                opt_errors[k] = err

        if len(req_errors) != 0 or len(opt_errors) != 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "Could not validate {}\n"
                "{} required attribute errors: {}\n"
                "{} optional attributes errors: {}".format(
          , len(req_errors), req_errors, len(opt_errors), opt_errors))
        return True

    def validate_attribute(self, attribute, value):
        """validate_attribute validates a value for a specific attribute

        :param attribute: attribute to validate
        :type attribute: str
        :param value: value to validate
        :type value: any
        :return: True or False
        "rtype: bool
        if attribute in self.required:
            result = validate_value(value, self.required[attribute])
        elif attribute in self.optional:
            result = validate_value(value, self.optional[attribute])
            result = True
        return result

__init__(required={}, optional={})

Schema for Kosh objects


Name Type Description Default
required dict

Dictionary of required keys and their validation function(s).

optional dict Validation functions must be pickable. If multiple validation functions are provided (in a list), then the attribute is valid if ANY function return True. Validation function must return True, False | raise an Exception.

Dictionary of optional keys and their validation function(s)

Source code in kosh/
def __init__(self, required={}, optional={}):
    """Schema for Kosh objects
    :param required: Dictionary of required keys and their validation function(s).
    :type required: dict
    :param optional: Dictionary of optional keys and their validation function(s)
    :type optional: dict
    Validation functions must be pickable.
    If multiple validation functions are provided (in a list),
    then the attribute is valid if ANY function return True.
    Validation function must return True, False or raise an Exception.
    self.required = required
    self.optional = optional


string representation

Source code in kosh/
def __str__(self):
    """string representation"""
    st = """Kosh Validation Object
    Required attributes and their validations:
    Optional attributes and their validations:
    {}""".format(self.required, self.optional)
    return st


validate an object through a schema Checks that the obj has all the required attribute and that both required and present optional attributes pass validation functions.


Name Type Description Default
obj str

object to validate



Type Description

True if validates "rtype: bool


Type Description

obj does not validate through the schema

Source code in kosh/
def validate(self, obj):
    """validate an object through a schema
    Checks that the obj has all the required attribute
    and that both required and present optional attributes pass
    validation functions.

    :param obj: object to validate
    :type obj: str
    :raises ValueError: obj does not validate through the schema
    :return: True if validates
    "rtype: bool
    # First check all the required keys
    req_errors = {}
    for k, v in self.required.items():
            value = getattr(obj, k)
            validate_value(value, v)
        except Exception as err:
            req_errors[k] = err
    opt_errors = {}
    for k, v in self.optional.items():
            value = getattr(obj, k)
        except AttributeError:
            validate_value(value, v)
        except Exception as err:
            opt_errors[k] = err

    if len(req_errors) != 0 or len(opt_errors) != 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "Could not validate {}\n"
            "{} required attribute errors: {}\n"
            "{} optional attributes errors: {}".format(
      , len(req_errors), req_errors, len(opt_errors), opt_errors))
    return True

validate_attribute(attribute, value)

validate_attribute validates a value for a specific attribute


Name Type Description Default
attribute str

attribute to validate

value any

value to validate



Type Description

True or False "rtype: bool

Source code in kosh/
def validate_attribute(self, attribute, value):
    """validate_attribute validates a value for a specific attribute

    :param attribute: attribute to validate
    :type attribute: str
    :param value: value to validate
    :type value: any
    :return: True or False
    "rtype: bool
    if attribute in self.required:
        result = validate_value(value, self.required[attribute])
    elif attribute in self.optional:
        result = validate_value(value, self.optional[attribute])
        result = True
    return result


auto_valid converts class type to their 'isinstance' function in the future other keyword maybe added to the list


Name Type Description Default
validation type

class def or type



Type Description

isinstance lambda function or validation function

Source code in kosh/
def auto_valid(validation):
    """auto_valid converts class type
    to their 'isinstance' function in the future other
    keyword maybe added to the list

    :param validation: class def or type
    :type validation: type
    :return: isinstance lambda function or validation function
    :rtype: function
    if isinstance(validation, type):
        def lmb(x): return isinstance(x, validation)
        return lmb
    return validation

validate_value(value, validation)

validate_value Validates a value for a given validation function (or list of)


Name Type Description Default
value any

value to validate

validation callable

validation function (or list of)



Type Description

True if validates


Type Description

value does not vaidate

Source code in kosh/
def validate_value(value, validation):
    """validate_value Validates a value for a given validation function (or list of)

    :param value: value to validate
    :type value: any
    :param validation: validation function (or list of)
    :type validation: callable
    :raises ValueError: value does not vaidate
    :return: True if validates
    :rtype: bool
    if validation is None:
        return True
    validation = auto_valid(validation)
    if callable(validation):
        res = validation(value)
        if not res:
            raise ValueError("value {value} failed validation".format(value=value))
    elif isinstance(validation, list):
        success = False
        for item in validation:  # Loop thru elements to get a possible success
            item = auto_valid(item)
            if callable(item):
                    res = item(value)
                    success += res
                    if success:
                        break  # no need to check further
                except Exception:
            elif value == item:
                success += True
                break  # no need to check further

        if not success:  # All options failed
            raise ValueError("Could not validate value '{value}'".format(value=value))
    return True