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Bases: SKL

SKL-based DBSCAN Kosh classifier This transformer returns either: * an estimator or * a set of labels/numpy arrays for each class found by the estimator If you chose to return the arrays (format=numpy) you can control how much data is return for each class/label When initiating the transformer you can pass any argument necessary for the SKL classifier initialization

Source code in kosh/transformers/
class DBSCAN(SKL):
    """SKL-based DBSCAN Kosh classifier
    This transformer returns either:
    * an estimator or
    * a set of labels/numpy arrays for each class found by the estimator
      If you chose to return the arrays (format=numpy) you can control
      how much data is return for each class/label
    When initiating the transformer you can pass any argument necessary for the SKL classifier initialization
    types = {"numpy": ["estimator", "numpy"]}

    def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
        from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
        kargs["skl_class"] = DBSCAN


Bases: SKL

SKL-based KMeans Kosh classifier This transformer returns either: * an estimator or * a set of labels/numpy arrays for each class found by the estimator If you chose to return the arrays (format=numpy) you can control how much data is return for each class/label When initiating the transformer you can pass any argument necessary for the SKL classifier initialization

Source code in kosh/transformers/
class KMeans(SKL):
    """SKL-based KMeans Kosh classifier
    This transformer returns either:
    * an estimator or
    * a set of labels/numpy arrays for each class found by the estimator
      If you chose to return the arrays (format=numpy) you can control
      how much data is return for each class/label
    When initiating the transformer you can pass any argument necessary for the SKL classifier initialization
    types = {"numpy": ["estimator", "numpy"]}

    def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
        from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
        kargs["skl_class"] = KMeans
        super(KMeans, self).__init__(**kargs)


Bases: KoshTransformer

base class for SKL-based Kosh classifier This transformer returns either: * an estimator or * a set of labels/numpy arrays for each class found by the estimator If you chose to return the arrays (format=numpy) you can control how much data is return for each class/label When initiating the transformer you can pass any argument necessary for the SKL classifier initialization

Source code in kosh/transformers/
class SKL(KoshTransformer):
    """base class for SKL-based Kosh classifier
    This transformer returns either:
    * an estimator or
    * a set of labels/numpy arrays for each class found by the estimator
      If you chose to return the arrays (format=numpy) you can control
      how much data is return for each class/label
    When initiating the transformer you can pass any argument necessary for the SKL classifier initialization
    types = {"numpy": ["estimator", "numpy"]}

    def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
        """initialize Kosh classifier
        :param n_samples: number/percent of samples to
                          send back for each class
        :type n_samples: float
        :param sampling_method: units of percent random, or random_percent
                                units to returnthe number of samples
                                unit: return the first "n_samples"
                                percent: return the first n_samples % of the class
                                random_unit: return 'n_samples' random point from each class
                                random_percent: return n_samples % of the class randomly
        :type sampling_method: float
        :param random_state: random state for reproducibility
        :type random_state: int
        :param skl_class: SKL classifier
        :type skl_class: sklearn classifier
        :return: estimator from function or
                 labels, list of ndarray with samples in each class
                        possibly sub-sampled via n_sample/sampling_method
        kw = {}
        for arg in ["n_samples", "sampling_method", "random_state"]:
            setattr(self, arg, kargs.pop(arg, None))
            kw[arg] = getattr(self, arg)
        skl_class = kargs.pop("skl_class")
        self.skl_class = skl_class(*args, **kargs)
        super(SKL, self).__init__(*args, **kargs)

    def transform(self, input, format):
        """If format is `numpy` scales the input data
        If format is `estimator` returns the estimator
        Possibly pads the ends with a value
        :param input: array from previous loader or transformer
        :type input: ndarray
        :param format: output format
        :type format: str
        :return: input taken over transformer's axis and indices
        estimator =
        if format is not None and "estimator" in format.lower():
            return estimator
        labels = estimator.labels_
        out = []
        sorted_labels = sorted(set(labels))
        numpy.random.seed = self.random_state
        for each in sorted_labels:
            class_member_mask = (labels == each)
            if self.n_samples is not None:
                if self.sampling_method in [None, "unit"]:
                elif self.sampling_method == "percent":
                        self.n_samples / 100. * input.shape[0])])
                elif self.sampling_method == "random":
                    indices = numpy.random.rand_integers(
                        0, input.shape - 1, self.n_samples)
                elif self.sampling_method == "percent_random":
                    indices = numpy.random.rand_integers(
                        0, input.shape - 1, int(self.n_samples / 100. * input.shape[0]))
        return sorted_labels, out

__init__(*args, **kargs)

initialize Kosh classifier


Name Type Description Default
n_samples float

number/percent of samples to send back for each class

sampling_method float

units of percent random, or random_percent units to returnthe number of samples unit: return the first "n_samples" percent: return the first n_samples % of the class random_unit: return 'n_samples' random point from each class random_percent: return n_samples % of the class randomly

random_state int

random state for reproducibility

skl_class sklearn classifier

SKL classifier



Type Description

estimator from function or labels, list of ndarray with samples in each class possibly sub-sampled via n_sample/sampling_method

Source code in kosh/transformers/
def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
    """initialize Kosh classifier
    :param n_samples: number/percent of samples to
                      send back for each class
    :type n_samples: float
    :param sampling_method: units of percent random, or random_percent
                            units to returnthe number of samples
                            unit: return the first "n_samples"
                            percent: return the first n_samples % of the class
                            random_unit: return 'n_samples' random point from each class
                            random_percent: return n_samples % of the class randomly
    :type sampling_method: float
    :param random_state: random state for reproducibility
    :type random_state: int
    :param skl_class: SKL classifier
    :type skl_class: sklearn classifier
    :return: estimator from function or
             labels, list of ndarray with samples in each class
                    possibly sub-sampled via n_sample/sampling_method
    kw = {}
    for arg in ["n_samples", "sampling_method", "random_state"]:
        setattr(self, arg, kargs.pop(arg, None))
        kw[arg] = getattr(self, arg)
    skl_class = kargs.pop("skl_class")
    self.skl_class = skl_class(*args, **kargs)
    super(SKL, self).__init__(*args, **kargs)

transform(input, format)

If format is numpy scales the input data If format is estimator returns the estimator Possibly pads the ends with a value


Name Type Description Default
input ndarray

array from previous loader or transformer

format str

output format



Type Description

input taken over transformer's axis and indices

Source code in kosh/transformers/
def transform(self, input, format):
    """If format is `numpy` scales the input data
    If format is `estimator` returns the estimator
    Possibly pads the ends with a value
    :param input: array from previous loader or transformer
    :type input: ndarray
    :param format: output format
    :type format: str
    :return: input taken over transformer's axis and indices
    estimator =
    if format is not None and "estimator" in format.lower():
        return estimator
    labels = estimator.labels_
    out = []
    sorted_labels = sorted(set(labels))
    numpy.random.seed = self.random_state
    for each in sorted_labels:
        class_member_mask = (labels == each)
        if self.n_samples is not None:
            if self.sampling_method in [None, "unit"]:
            elif self.sampling_method == "percent":
                    self.n_samples / 100. * input.shape[0])])
            elif self.sampling_method == "random":
                indices = numpy.random.rand_integers(
                    0, input.shape - 1, self.n_samples)
            elif self.sampling_method == "percent_random":
                indices = numpy.random.rand_integers(
                    0, input.shape - 1, int(self.n_samples / 100. * input.shape[0]))
    return sorted_labels, out


Bases: KoshTransformer

SKL-based class to split dataset into test, train and validation

Source code in kosh/transformers/
class Splitter(KoshTransformer):
    """SKL-based class to split dataset into test, train and validation"""
    types = {"numpy": ["numpy", ]}

    def __init__(self, train_size=None,
                 *args, **kargs):
        """Initialize Splitt Transformer

        At least 2 of train/test/validation size are required, must add to 100%

        :param train_size: size of the dataset to reserve for training (.9 = 90% default)
        :type train_size: float
        :param test_size: size of the dataset to reserve for testing (.1 = 10% default)
        :type test_size: float
        :param validation_size: size of the dataset to reserve for validating (.0 = 0% default)
        :type validation_size: float
        :param splitter: SKL splitter to use to split
                         Same one will be used to first select training set
                         and then split again the rest between test and validation
                         default: sklearn.model_selection.ShuffleSplit
        :type splitter: sklearn.model_selection Splitter class
        :param random_state: random state for reproducibility
                             Controls the randomness of the training and
                             testing indices produced.
                             Pass an int for reproducible output across
                             multiple function calls.
        :type random_state: int
        :param n_splits: total number of split iteration to generate (default 1)
        :type n_splits: int
        :param groups: split data according to a third-party provided group.
                       This group information can be used to encode
                       arbitrary domain specific stratifications of the samples
                       as integers.
                       For instance the groups could be the year of collection
                       of the samples and thus allow for cross-validation against
                       time-based splits.
        :type groups: list or None
        :return: initialzed Splitter transformer
        :rtype: Splitter

        if splitter is None:
            from sklearn.model_selection import ShuffleSplit
            splitter = ShuffleSplit
        if train_size is None and test_size is None and validation_size is None:
            train_size = .9
            test_size = .1
            validation_size = 0.
        elif train_size is None and validation_size is None:
            train_size = 1. - test_size
            validation_size = 0.
        elif train_size is None and test_size is None:
            test_size = validation_size
            train_size = 1. - test_size - validation_size
        elif test_size is None and validation_size is None:
            validation_size = 0.
            test_size = 1. - train_size
        elif validation_size is None:
            validation_size = 1. - train_size - test_size
        elif test_size is None:
            test_size = 1. - train_size - validation_size
        elif train_size is None:
            train_size = 1. - test_size - validation_size

        self.groups = kargs.pop("groups", None)
        if not (0. <= train_size <= 1.):
            raise ValueError("train size must be between 0 and 1")
        if not (0. <= test_size <= 1.):
            raise ValueError("test size must be between 0 and 1")
        if not (0. <= validation_size <= 1.):
            raise ValueError("validation size must be between 0 and 1")
        if train_size + test_size + validation_size > 1.:
            raise ValueError("You ask for a {}/{}/{} split which is more than 100%".format(
                train_size, test_size, validation_size))
        self.splitter = splitter(train_size=train_size,
                                 *args, **kargs)
        self.validation_size = validation_size
        super(Splitter, self).__init__(train_size=train_size,
                                       groups=self.groups, *args, **kargs)
        kargs.pop("test_size", None)
        kargs.pop("train_size", None)
        kargs["n_splits"] = 1
        kargs["random_state"] = random_state
        if validation_size != 0:
            self.validation_splitter = splitter(
                test_size=validation_size/(validation_size+test_size), *args, **kargs)

    def transform(self, input, format):
        """Split input data between n_splits sets of training/test/validation
        :param input: array from previous loader or transformer
        :type input: ndarray
        :param format: output format
        :type format: str
        :return: n_splits sets of train/test/validation
        :rtype: n_split list of train, test, validation ndarrays
        out = list(self.splitter.split(input, groups=self.groups))
        if self.validation_size > 0:
            for i, [_, tmp_test] in enumerate(out):
                out[i] = list(out[i])  # Need to convert to list...
                tmp_test, tmp_validation = list(self.validation_splitter.split(tmp_test))[0]
                out[i][1] = tmp_test
        return out

__init__(train_size=None, test_size=None, validation_size=None, splitter=None, random_state=None, n_splits=1, *args, **kargs)

Initialize Splitt Transformer

At least 2 of train/test/validation size are required, must add to 100%


Name Type Description Default
train_size float

size of the dataset to reserve for training (.9 = 90% default)

test_size float

size of the dataset to reserve for testing (.1 = 10% default)

validation_size float

size of the dataset to reserve for validating (.0 = 0% default)

splitter sklearn.model_selection Splitter class

SKL splitter to use to split Same one will be used to first select training set and then split again the rest between test and validation default: sklearn.model_selection.ShuffleSplit

random_state int

random state for reproducibility Controls the randomness of the training and testing indices produced. Pass an int for reproducible output across multiple function calls.

n_splits int

total number of split iteration to generate (default 1)

groups list | None

split data according to a third-party provided group. This group information can be used to encode arbitrary domain specific stratifications of the samples as integers. For instance the groups could be the year of collection of the samples and thus allow for cross-validation against time-based splits.



Type Description

initialzed Splitter transformer

Source code in kosh/transformers/
def __init__(self, train_size=None,
             *args, **kargs):
    """Initialize Splitt Transformer

    At least 2 of train/test/validation size are required, must add to 100%

    :param train_size: size of the dataset to reserve for training (.9 = 90% default)
    :type train_size: float
    :param test_size: size of the dataset to reserve for testing (.1 = 10% default)
    :type test_size: float
    :param validation_size: size of the dataset to reserve for validating (.0 = 0% default)
    :type validation_size: float
    :param splitter: SKL splitter to use to split
                     Same one will be used to first select training set
                     and then split again the rest between test and validation
                     default: sklearn.model_selection.ShuffleSplit
    :type splitter: sklearn.model_selection Splitter class
    :param random_state: random state for reproducibility
                         Controls the randomness of the training and
                         testing indices produced.
                         Pass an int for reproducible output across
                         multiple function calls.
    :type random_state: int
    :param n_splits: total number of split iteration to generate (default 1)
    :type n_splits: int
    :param groups: split data according to a third-party provided group.
                   This group information can be used to encode
                   arbitrary domain specific stratifications of the samples
                   as integers.
                   For instance the groups could be the year of collection
                   of the samples and thus allow for cross-validation against
                   time-based splits.
    :type groups: list or None
    :return: initialzed Splitter transformer
    :rtype: Splitter

    if splitter is None:
        from sklearn.model_selection import ShuffleSplit
        splitter = ShuffleSplit
    if train_size is None and test_size is None and validation_size is None:
        train_size = .9
        test_size = .1
        validation_size = 0.
    elif train_size is None and validation_size is None:
        train_size = 1. - test_size
        validation_size = 0.
    elif train_size is None and test_size is None:
        test_size = validation_size
        train_size = 1. - test_size - validation_size
    elif test_size is None and validation_size is None:
        validation_size = 0.
        test_size = 1. - train_size
    elif validation_size is None:
        validation_size = 1. - train_size - test_size
    elif test_size is None:
        test_size = 1. - train_size - validation_size
    elif train_size is None:
        train_size = 1. - test_size - validation_size

    self.groups = kargs.pop("groups", None)
    if not (0. <= train_size <= 1.):
        raise ValueError("train size must be between 0 and 1")
    if not (0. <= test_size <= 1.):
        raise ValueError("test size must be between 0 and 1")
    if not (0. <= validation_size <= 1.):
        raise ValueError("validation size must be between 0 and 1")
    if train_size + test_size + validation_size > 1.:
        raise ValueError("You ask for a {}/{}/{} split which is more than 100%".format(
            train_size, test_size, validation_size))
    self.splitter = splitter(train_size=train_size,
                             *args, **kargs)
    self.validation_size = validation_size
    super(Splitter, self).__init__(train_size=train_size,
                                   groups=self.groups, *args, **kargs)
    kargs.pop("test_size", None)
    kargs.pop("train_size", None)
    kargs["n_splits"] = 1
    kargs["random_state"] = random_state
    if validation_size != 0:
        self.validation_splitter = splitter(
            test_size=validation_size/(validation_size+test_size), *args, **kargs)

transform(input, format)

Split input data between n_splits sets of training/test/validation


Name Type Description Default
input ndarray

array from previous loader or transformer

format str

output format



Type Description
n_split list of train, test, validation ndarrays

n_splits sets of train/test/validation

Source code in kosh/transformers/
def transform(self, input, format):
    """Split input data between n_splits sets of training/test/validation
    :param input: array from previous loader or transformer
    :type input: ndarray
    :param format: output format
    :type format: str
    :return: n_splits sets of train/test/validation
    :rtype: n_split list of train, test, validation ndarrays
    out = list(self.splitter.split(input, groups=self.groups))
    if self.validation_size > 0:
        for i, [_, tmp_test] in enumerate(out):
            out[i] = list(out[i])  # Need to convert to list...
            tmp_test, tmp_validation = list(self.validation_splitter.split(tmp_test))[0]
            out[i][1] = tmp_test
    return out


Bases: KoshTransformer

Source code in kosh/transformers/
class StandardScaler(KoshTransformer):
    types = {"numpy": ["numpy", ]}

    def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
        """SKL-based scaler transformer"""

        from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

        self.scaler = StandardScaler(*args, **kargs)
        super(StandardScaler, self).__init__(*args, **kargs)

    def transform(self, input, format):
        """calls the `fit_transform` function of the scaler on the input data
        :param input: array from previous loader or transformer
        :type input: ndarray
        :param format: output format
        :type format: str
        :return: scaled input data
        :rtype: ndarray

        return self.scaler.fit_transform(input)

__init__(*args, **kargs)

SKL-based scaler transformer

Source code in kosh/transformers/
def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
    """SKL-based scaler transformer"""

    from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

    self.scaler = StandardScaler(*args, **kargs)
    super(StandardScaler, self).__init__(*args, **kargs)

transform(input, format)

calls the fit_transform function of the scaler on the input data


Name Type Description Default
input ndarray

array from previous loader or transformer

format str

output format



Type Description

scaled input data

Source code in kosh/transformers/
def transform(self, input, format):
    """calls the `fit_transform` function of the scaler on the input data
    :param input: array from previous loader or transformer
    :type input: ndarray
    :param format: output format
    :type format: str
    :return: scaled input data
    :rtype: ndarray

    return self.scaler.fit_transform(input)