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Bases: object

Source code in kosh/
class KoshScriptWrapper(object):
    def __init__(self,
        """Wrapper for scripts.
        Will inspect passed object at call time to construct command line and run script with appropriate parameters

        :param executable: path to executable/script, e.g. "python"
        :type executable: str
        self.executable = executable
        self.arguments = []

    def add_argument(self, parameter, feed_attribute=None,
                     default="use_default", mapper=getattr, feed_pos=None):
        """Adds an argument to map
        :param parameter: name of the parameter in the script (e.g --file or -f)
                          use None to reflect positional argument
        :type parameter: str or none
        :param feed_attribute: name of attribute to use on the feed object
        :type feed_attribute: str
        :param default: default value to use if not affected by feed objects
                        to let the store use its own default pass "use_default"
        :param mapper: mapper to use defaults to gettattr,
                       the function will receive the kosh_object and
                       the kosh feed_attribute as arguments
        :type feed_attribute: function
        :param feed_pos: index of the feed object fed to use to do the mapping
                         -1 means as long as a feed object matches it will be used
                         and will override any value already set.
                         None means as soon as a feed object match that name
                         it will be used and the search is over.
        :type feed_pos: int or None
        prefix = ""
        while len(parameter) > 0 and parameter[0] in ["-", "+"]:
            prefix += parameter[0]
            parameter = parameter[1:]
        if feed_attribute is None:
            feed_attribute = parameter
            {"parameter": parameter, "feed": feed_attribute, "mapper": mapper,
             "pos": feed_pos, "default": default,
             "prefix": prefix})

    def run(self,
        """Given a kosh object uses it to construct the appropriate command line
        :param kosh_object: The object that will be used to get values for named parameters
                            This object will also be the feed to any mapping function
                            in `kosh_names_mapping` (see bellow)
        :type kosh_object: any
        :param call_communicate: After creating the subprocess do we call communicate?
        :type call_communicate: bool
        :param updated_named_parameters: these keyword values will be used to
                                         override anything generated and be passed
                                         as is to the command line
        :return out: A tuple of the output and err streams from the commuicate call or
                     The Popen process created if call_communicate is False
        call_communicate = updated_named_parameters.get(
            "call_communicate", True)
        # Ok let's obtain the defaults
        named_parameters = {}
        stop_searching = []
        for i, kosh_object in enumerate(kosh_objects):
            # Let's find the arguments that can be extracted for this object
            for arg in self.arguments:
                param = arg["parameter"]
                inp = arg["feed"]
                if arg["pos"] == i or arg["pos"] == -1 or \
                        (arg["pos"] is None and param not in stop_searching and inp not in stop_searching):
                    if param not in named_parameters and param != "":
                        named_parameters[param] = arg["default"]
                    elif inp not in named_parameters and param == "":
                        named_parameters[inp] = arg["default"]

                    # Let's see if our object can construct a value
                        value = arg["mapper"](kosh_object, inp)
                        if param != "":
                            named_parameters[param] = value
                            named_parameters[inp] = value
                        if arg["pos"] is None:
                            if param == "":
                    except Exception:

        # Now let's update parameters with the user feed
        for name in updated_named_parameters:
            if name in named_parameters:
                named_parameters[name] = updated_named_parameters[name]
        # Ok we are ready to construct the command line
        cmd = self.executable

        for arg in self.arguments:
            name = arg["parameter"]
            if name == "" or name not in named_parameters or named_parameters[
                    name] == "use_default":
                # Let script handle it via its default value
            cmd += " {}{} {}".format(arg["prefix"],
                                     name, str(named_parameters[name]))

        # Let's not forget positional params
        pos_values = []
        for arg in self.arguments:
            if arg["parameter"] == "":
        # Let's remove undefined trailing optional arg
        # The have not be defined whatsoever
        while len(pos_values) > 0 and copy.copy(
                pos_values)[-1] == "use_default":

        if len(pos_values) > 0:
            cmd += " {}".format(" ".join([str(x) for x in pos_values]))

        self.constructed_command_line = cmd
        if not sys.platform.startswith("win"):
            cmd = shlex.split(cmd)
        p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
        if call_communicate:
            return p.communicate()
            return p

    __call__ = run


Wrapper for scripts. Will inspect passed object at call time to construct command line and run script with appropriate parameters


Name Type Description Default
executable str

path to executable/script, e.g. "python"

Source code in kosh/
def __init__(self,
    """Wrapper for scripts.
    Will inspect passed object at call time to construct command line and run script with appropriate parameters

    :param executable: path to executable/script, e.g. "python"
    :type executable: str
    self.executable = executable
    self.arguments = []

add_argument(parameter, feed_attribute=None, default='use_default', mapper=getattr, feed_pos=None)

Adds an argument to map


Name Type Description Default
parameter str | none

name of the parameter in the script (e.g --file or -f) use None to reflect positional argument

feed_attribute str

name of attribute to use on the feed object


default value to use if not affected by feed objects to let the store use its own default pass "use_default"


mapper to use defaults to gettattr, the function will receive the kosh_object and the kosh feed_attribute as arguments

feed_pos int | None

index of the feed object fed to use to do the mapping -1 means as long as a feed object matches it will be used and will override any value already set. None means as soon as a feed object match that name it will be used and the search is over.

Source code in kosh/
def add_argument(self, parameter, feed_attribute=None,
                 default="use_default", mapper=getattr, feed_pos=None):
    """Adds an argument to map
    :param parameter: name of the parameter in the script (e.g --file or -f)
                      use None to reflect positional argument
    :type parameter: str or none
    :param feed_attribute: name of attribute to use on the feed object
    :type feed_attribute: str
    :param default: default value to use if not affected by feed objects
                    to let the store use its own default pass "use_default"
    :param mapper: mapper to use defaults to gettattr,
                   the function will receive the kosh_object and
                   the kosh feed_attribute as arguments
    :type feed_attribute: function
    :param feed_pos: index of the feed object fed to use to do the mapping
                     -1 means as long as a feed object matches it will be used
                     and will override any value already set.
                     None means as soon as a feed object match that name
                     it will be used and the search is over.
    :type feed_pos: int or None
    prefix = ""
    while len(parameter) > 0 and parameter[0] in ["-", "+"]:
        prefix += parameter[0]
        parameter = parameter[1:]
    if feed_attribute is None:
        feed_attribute = parameter
        {"parameter": parameter, "feed": feed_attribute, "mapper": mapper,
         "pos": feed_pos, "default": default,
         "prefix": prefix})

run(*kosh_objects, **updated_named_parameters)

Given a kosh object uses it to construct the appropriate command line


Name Type Description Default
kosh_object any

The object that will be used to get values for named parameters This object will also be the feed to any mapping function in kosh_names_mapping (see bellow)

call_communicate bool

After creating the subprocess do we call communicate?


these keyword values will be used to override anything generated and be passed as is to the command line



Type Description

A tuple of the output and err streams from the commuicate call or The Popen process created if call_communicate is False

Source code in kosh/
def run(self,
    """Given a kosh object uses it to construct the appropriate command line
    :param kosh_object: The object that will be used to get values for named parameters
                        This object will also be the feed to any mapping function
                        in `kosh_names_mapping` (see bellow)
    :type kosh_object: any
    :param call_communicate: After creating the subprocess do we call communicate?
    :type call_communicate: bool
    :param updated_named_parameters: these keyword values will be used to
                                     override anything generated and be passed
                                     as is to the command line
    :return out: A tuple of the output and err streams from the commuicate call or
                 The Popen process created if call_communicate is False
    call_communicate = updated_named_parameters.get(
        "call_communicate", True)
    # Ok let's obtain the defaults
    named_parameters = {}
    stop_searching = []
    for i, kosh_object in enumerate(kosh_objects):
        # Let's find the arguments that can be extracted for this object
        for arg in self.arguments:
            param = arg["parameter"]
            inp = arg["feed"]
            if arg["pos"] == i or arg["pos"] == -1 or \
                    (arg["pos"] is None and param not in stop_searching and inp not in stop_searching):
                if param not in named_parameters and param != "":
                    named_parameters[param] = arg["default"]
                elif inp not in named_parameters and param == "":
                    named_parameters[inp] = arg["default"]

                # Let's see if our object can construct a value
                    value = arg["mapper"](kosh_object, inp)
                    if param != "":
                        named_parameters[param] = value
                        named_parameters[inp] = value
                    if arg["pos"] is None:
                        if param == "":
                except Exception:

    # Now let's update parameters with the user feed
    for name in updated_named_parameters:
        if name in named_parameters:
            named_parameters[name] = updated_named_parameters[name]
    # Ok we are ready to construct the command line
    cmd = self.executable

    for arg in self.arguments:
        name = arg["parameter"]
        if name == "" or name not in named_parameters or named_parameters[
                name] == "use_default":
            # Let script handle it via its default value
        cmd += " {}{} {}".format(arg["prefix"],
                                 name, str(named_parameters[name]))

    # Let's not forget positional params
    pos_values = []
    for arg in self.arguments:
        if arg["parameter"] == "":
    # Let's remove undefined trailing optional arg
    # The have not be defined whatsoever
    while len(pos_values) > 0 and copy.copy(
            pos_values)[-1] == "use_default":

    if len(pos_values) > 0:
        cmd += " {}".format(" ".join([str(x) for x in pos_values]))

    self.constructed_command_line = cmd
    if not sys.platform.startswith("win"):
        cmd = shlex.split(cmd)
    p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
    if call_communicate:
        return p.communicate()
        return p