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Users Guide

Creating a store

You can create your own store to catalog your data by using

import kosh
kosh_example_sql_file = "kosh_example.sql"
kosh.connect(kosh_example_sql_file, delete_all_contents=True)

Opening an existing store

Once you have a store you can connect to it

import kosh
kosh_example_sql_file = "kosh_example.sql"
# connect to store
store = connect(kosh_example_sql_file)

Adding datasets to the store

ds = store.create()

Adding attributes to the store

ds.some_metadata = "A simple metadata"

Associating data to a dataset

You can associate data to a dataset, you will need a "URI" to locate the associated data (this can be a file path or inernet address or database name, etc...) and a mimetype describing the data type. Mime-type are used to load the data

ds.associate("myfile.txt", "text")

Reading data

Once data and mimetype have been associated to a dataset you can load these data in your application

features = ds.list_features()
data = ds.get(features[0])


If multiple loaders are available you can specify the loader you want to use

# Image loader
my_loader = kosh.loader.pil.PILLoader  # no need to instantiate
data = ds.get(features[0], loader=my_loader)


Once data is loaded from its source URI you further process it (subsampling, format change, augmentation, etc...) via transformers.

Transformers offer the possibility to cache their result for faster computation the next time around. The default cache directory in stored in kosh.core.kosh_cache_dir and points to: os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".cache", "kosh").

# no transformation but stores cache as numpy (useful if loader takes a long time to convert to numpy)
my_transformer = kosh.transformers.npy.SimpleNpCache(cache=True, cache_dir="/some/path/to/cache")
data = ds.get(features[0], transformers=[my_transformer, ])