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Kosh adds data in the 'user_defined' section of records to keep track of syncing This removes these attributes


Name Type Description Default
record sina.model.Record

The Sina record to cleanup



Type Description

json loaded representation of the record

Source code in kosh/
def cleanup_sina_record_from_kosh_sync(record):
    """Kosh adds data in the 'user_defined' section of records to keep track of syncing
    This removes these attributes
    :param record: The Sina record to cleanup
    :type record: sina.model.Record
    :return: json loaded representation of the record
    :rtype: dict"""
    # cleanup the record
    record["user_defined"]['kosh_information'].pop("last_update_from_db", None)
    for key in list(record["user_defined"]['kosh_information'].keys()):
        if key.endswith("last_modified"):
    return orjson.loads(record.to_json())

compute_fast_sha(uri, n_samples=10)

Compute a fast 'almost' unique identifier for a given uri Assumes the uri is a path to a file, otherwise simply return hexdigest of md5 on the uri string

If uri path is valid the 'fast' sha is used by creating an hashlib from * file size * file first 2kb * file last 2kb * 2k samples read from n_samples evenly spaced in the file

Warning if size is unchanged and data is changed somewhere else than those samples the sha will be identical


Name Type Description Default
uri str

URI to compute fast_sha on


Number of samples to extract from uri (in addition to beg and end of file)



Type Description

hexdigested sha

Source code in kosh/
def compute_fast_sha(uri, n_samples=10):
    """Compute a fast 'almost' unique identifier for a given uri
    Assumes the uri is a path to a file, otherwise simply return hexdigest of md5 on the uri string

    If uri path is valid the 'fast' sha is used by creating an hashlib from
    * file size
    * file first 2kb
    * file last 2kb
    * 2k samples read from `n_samples` evenly spaced in the file

    Warning if size is unchanged and data is changed somewhere else than those samples the sha will be identical
    :param uri: URI to compute fast_sha on
    :type uri: str
    :param n_samples: Number of samples to extract from uri (in addition to beg and end of file)
    :type n_sampe: int
    :return sha: hexdigested sha
    :rtype: str
    if not os.path.exists(uri):
        sha = hashlib.sha256(uri.encode())
        return sha.hexdigest()
    with open(uri, "rb") as f:
        stats = os.fstat(f.fileno())
        size = stats.st_size
        sha = hashlib.sha256("{}".format(size).encode())
        # Create list of start read
        positions = [int(max(x, 0))
                     for x in numpy.linspace(0, size - 2048, n_samples + 2)]
        prev = -1
        for pos in positions:
            # Small file will have multiple times the same bit to read
            if pos != prev:
                # Go there
                # read some small chunk
                st =
                prev = pos
    return sha.hexdigest()

compute_long_sha(uri, buff_size=65536)

Computes sha for a given uri


Name Type Description Default
uri str

URI to compute fast_sha on

buff_size int

How much data to read at once



Type Description

hexdigested sha

Source code in kosh/
def compute_long_sha(uri, buff_size=65536):
    """ Computes sha for a given uri
    :param uri: URI to compute fast_sha on
    :type uri: str
    :param buff_size: How much data to read at once
    :type buff_size: int
    :return sha: hexdigested sha
    :rtype: str
    sha = hashlib.sha256()

    with open(uri, "rb") as f:
        while True:
            st =
            if not st:
    return sha.hexdigest()

create_kosh_users(record_handler, users=[os.environ.get('USER', 'default'), 'anonymous'])

Add Kosh user to the Kosh store


Name Type Description Default
record_handler sina.records

The sina records object

users list

list of usernames to add

[get('USER', 'default'), 'anonymous']
Source code in kosh/
def create_kosh_users(record_handler, users=[os.environ.get("USER", "default"), "anonymous"]):
    """Add Kosh user to the Kosh store
    :param record_handler: The sina records object
    :type record_handler: sina.records
    :param users: list of usernames to add
    :type users: list
    store_info = list(record_handler.find_with_type(
        ["__kosh_storeinfo__", ]))[0]

    user_type = store_info["data"]["users_type"]["value"]
    # Create users
    for user in users:
        new_user = list(record_handler.find(
            types=[user_type, ], data={"username": user}))
        if len(new_user) == 0:
            uid = hashlib.md5(user.encode()).hexdigest()
            user_record = Record(id=uid, type=user_type, user_defined={'kosh_information': {}})
            user_record.add_data("username", user)

create_new_db(name, db='sql', keyspace=None, **kargs)

create_new_db creates a new Kosh database, adds a single user


Name Type Description Default
name str

name of database

db str, optional

type of database, defaults to 'sql', can be 'cass'

keyspace str, optional

for cassandra keyspace to use, defaults to None means [user]_k

kargs dict

Any additional key/value pairs you need to pass to store creation



Type Description

An handle to the Kosh store created

Source code in kosh/
def create_new_db(name, db='sql',
                  keyspace=None, **kargs):
    """create_new_db creates a new Kosh database, adds a single user

    :param name: name of database
    :type name: str
    :param db: type of database, defaults to 'sql', can be 'cass'
    :type db: str, optional
    :param keyspace: for cassandra keyspace to use, defaults to None means [user]_k
    :type keyspace: str, optional
    :param kargs: Any additional key/value pairs you need to pass to store creation
    :type kargs: dict
    :return store: An handle to the Kosh store created
    :rtype: KoshStoreClass
    from kosh import connect
    kargs["keyspace"] = keyspace
    kargs["db"] = db
    # Let's remove the now unused arguments
    for key in ["token", "cluster"]:
        if key in kargs:
                "Keyword '{}' is no longer valid, will be ignored".format(key))
    store = connect(name, **kargs)
    store.delete_all_contents(force="SKIP PROMPT")
    return store


This decorator will convert all Record input or output to KoshDataset This allows a user to use sina functions that expect Record with Kosh datasets instead

Source code in kosh/
def datasets_in_place_of_records(func):
    """This decorator will convert all Record input or output to KoshDataset
    This allows a user to use sina functions that expect Record with Kosh datasets instead"""
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        new_args = [x.get_record() if isinstance(x, kosh.KoshDataset) else x for x in args]
        new_kwargs = {}
        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            new_kwargs[k] = v.get_record() if isinstance(v, kosh.KoshDataset) else v
        out = func(*new_args, **new_kwargs)
        if hasattr(out, "__iter__"):
            return [record_to_dataset(v) if isinstance(v, Record) else v for v in out]
            return record_to_dataset(out) if isinstance(out, Record) else out
    return wrapper

find_curveset_and_curve_name(name, rec)

Given a curveset or curveset+curve name, returns all matching curve_sets and curves combinations Assumes curveset and curve are separated by a / curve_sets that exactly match the name return (name, None)


Name Type Description Default
name str

Name to parse

rec sina record

sina record where to look for curves



Type Description
tuple of tuples

All possible combinations of (curveset,curve) that match name

Source code in kosh/
def find_curveset_and_curve_name(name, rec):
    """Given a curveset or curveset+curve name,
    returns all matching curve_sets and curves combinations
    Assumes curveset and curve are separated by a /
    curve_sets that exactly match the name return (name, None)
    :param name: Name to parse
    :type name: str
    :param rec: sina record where to look for curves
    :type rec: sina record
    :return: All possible combinations of (curveset,curve) that match name
    :rtype: tuple of tuples
    sp = name.split("/")
    possibilities = ()
    for i in range(len(sp)+1):
        curve_set = "/".join(sp[:i])
        if curve_set in rec["curve_sets"]:
            cs = rec["curve_sets"][curve_set]
            curve_name = "/".join(sp[i:])
            if curve_name in cs["dependent"] or curve_name in cs["independent"]:
                possibilities += ((curve_set, curve_name), )
            if curve_set == name:  # ok we asked for the curve_set
                possibilities += ((curve_set, None),)
    return possibilities


Generates labels to draw on networkx plots of a graph


Name Type Description Default
G networkx.DiGraph (OrderedDiGraph on older version of networkx)

Network to generate labels from



Type Description

labels for this graph

Source code in kosh/
def gen_labels(G):
    """Generates labels to draw on networkx plots of a graph
    :param G: Network to generate labels from
    :type G: networkx.DiGraph (OrderedDiGraph on older version of networkx)
    :returns: labels for this graph
    :rtype: dict
    labels = {}
    cont = True
    nodes = list(G.nodes())
    N = len(nodes)
    while cont:
        for node in nodes:
            if G.nodes[node].get("depth", None) is not None:
            pre = list(G.predecessors(node))
            suc = list(G.successors(node))
            if len(pre) == 0:
                G.nodes[node]["depth"] = 0
                for pnode in pre:
                    if G.nodes[pnode].get("depth", None) is not None:
                        G.nodes[node]["depth"] = G.nodes[pnode]["depth"] + 1
            if len(suc) == 0:
                G.nodes[node]["depth"] = -1
        total = 0
        for node in nodes:
            if G.nodes[node].get("depth", None) is not None:
                total += 1
        if total == N:
            cont = False
    for node in nodes:
        depth = G.nodes[node]["depth"]
        if depth == 0:
            depth = "start"
        elif depth == -1:
            depth = "end"
            name = node[1].__name__
        except BaseException:
            name = str(node[1].__class__).split(".")[-1].split("'")[0]
            if isinstance(node[1], kosh.loaders.core.KoshLoader):
                name = "{}({})".format(name, node[1].feature)
        labels[node] = "{}/{}/{}".format(depth, name, node[0])
    return labels

get_graph(input_type, loader, transformers)

Given a loader and its transformer return path to desired format e.g which output format should each transformer pick to be chained to the following one in order to obtain the desired outcome for format


Name Type Description Default
input_type str

input type of first node

loader KoshLoader

original loader

transformers list of KoshTransformer

set of transformers to be added after loader exits



Type Description

execution graph

Source code in kosh/
def get_graph(input_type, loader, transformers):
    """Given a loader and its transformer return path to desired format
    e.g which output format should each transformer pick to be chained to the following one
    in order to obtain the desired outcome for format
    :param input_type: input type of first node
    :type input_type: str
    :param loader: original loader
    :type loader: KoshLoader
    :param transformers: set of transformers to be added after loader exits
    :type transformers: list of KoshTransformer
    :returns: execution graph
    :rtype: networkx.OrderDiGraph
    if input_type not in loader.types:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "loader cannot load mime_type {}".format(input_type))
        G = nx.OrderedDiGraph()
    except AttributeError:  # networkx 3.0 removed OrderedDiGraph
        G = nx.DiGraph()
    G.seed = random.random()
    start_node = (input_type, loader, G.seed)  # so each graph is unique
    if len(transformers) == 0:
        # No transformer
        for out_format in loader.types[input_type]:
            node = (out_format, None, G.seed)
            G.add_edge(start_node, node)
    return G

merge_datasets_handler(target_dataset, imported_dataset, section='data', **kargs)

When importing a dataset, checks if the imported dataset has attributes that match the one in the dataset already in this store. If attributes values conflict then we use 'handling_method to resolve the conflict

The store_dataset is not updated here, we return a list of attributes/values pairs resolving the conflict


Name Type Description Default
target_dataset kosh.KoshDataset

The dataset that will received the merge

imported_dataset kosh.KoshDataset | dict

The dataset we are trying to merge into target_dataset or its attributes/values dictionary

section str

The section being updated (data, user_defined, curves, etc...)


How do we handle conflicts? None, "conservative": Error exit "preserve": Keep value from target_dataset "overwrite": Use value from imported dataset



Type Description

Dictionary of attribute/value that the target_dataset should have

Source code in kosh/
def merge_datasets_handler(target_dataset, imported_dataset, section="data", **kargs):
    """When importing a dataset, checks if the imported dataset has
    attributes that match the one in the dataset already in this store.
    If attributes values conflict then we use 'handling_method to resolve the conflict

    The store_dataset is not updated here, we return a list of attributes/values pairs resolving the conflict

    :param target_dataset: The dataset that will received the merge
    :type target_dataset: kosh.KoshDataset
    :param imported_dataset: The dataset we are trying to merge into target_dataset or its attributes/values dictionary
    :type imported_dataset: kosh.KoshDataset or dict
    :param section: The section being updated (data, user_defined, curves, etc...)
    :type section: str
    :param handling_method: How do we handle conflicts?
                            None, "conservative": Error exit
                            "preserve": Keep value from target_dataset
                            "overwrite": Use value from imported dataset
    :returns: Dictionary of attribute/value that the target_dataset should have
    :rtype: dict
    if section != "data":
        raise ValueError("This handler cannot handle non 'data' section")

    handling_method = kargs.pop("handling_method", None)

    target_dict = target_dataset.list_attributes(dictionary=True)

    if not isinstance(imported_dataset, dict):
        imported_dataset = imported_dataset.list_attributes(dictionary=True)

    # We cannot set _associatated_data_ anyway and if it comes last (py2) it
    # prevents updating the db
    imported_dataset.pop("_associated_data_", None)
    # Creator is a pain looks like it comes with id at times and actual user name at others
    # TODO: take a closer look in a separate MR
    if "creator" in target_dict:
        imported_dataset.pop("creator", None)

    for attribute, value in imported_dataset.items():
        if attribute in target_dict:
            if target_dict[attribute] != value:
                if handling_method in [None, "conservative"]:
                    msg = "Trying to import dataset with attribute '{}'".format(
                    msg += " value : {}. ".format(value)
                    msg += "But value for this attribute in target is '{}'".format(
                    raise ValueError(msg)
                elif handling_method == "overwrite":
                    # Do we want a warning here?
                    # handling says use new value
                    target_dict[attribute] = value
                elif handling_method == "preserve":
                    # Do we want a warning here?
                    # We preserve so not changing the target value
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Unknown 'handling_method': {}".format(handling_method))
            # New attribute let's add it
            target_dict[attribute] = value
    return target_dict


Converts a Sina record to a KoshDatset


Name Type Description Default
record sina.model.Record

The Sina Record to convert



Type Description

kosh version of the record

Source code in kosh/
def record_to_dataset(record):
    """Converts a Sina record to a KoshDatset
    :param record: The Sina Record to convert
    :type record: sina.model.Record
    :return: kosh version of the record
    :rtype: kosh.KoshDatset"""
    temp_store = kosh.connect(None)
    return next(temp_store.find())

update_store_and_get_info_record(records, ensemble_predicate=None)

Obtain the sina record containing store info If necessary update store to latest standards


Name Type Description Default
records sina.datastore.DataStore.RecordOperations

The sina store "records" object

ensemble_predicate str

The predicate for the relationship to an ensemble



Type Description

sina record for store info

Source code in kosh/
def update_store_and_get_info_record(records, ensemble_predicate=None):
    """Obtain the sina record containing store info
    If necessary update store to latest standards
    :param records: The sina store "records" object
    :type records: sina.datastore.DataStore.RecordOperations
    :param ensemble_predicate: The predicate for the relationship to an ensemble
    :type ensemble_predicate: str
    :returns: sina record for store info
    :rtype: Record
    # First let's see if this store contains a dedicated record
    # describing this store specs
    store_info = list(records.find_with_type("__kosh_storeinfo__"))
    if len(store_info) > 1:
        # There is a small chance that the store was created on multiple processors
        # simultaneously and that these are identical, let's try to recover
        # that was true for a small period in Kosh dev branch
        rec = store_info[0]
    elif len(store_info) == 0:
        # ok it's the old type or a new store, let's try to upgrade it for next time
        # and add the store info
        # Because of mpi ranks issues let's fix the id
        rec = Record(id="__kosh_store_info__", type="__kosh_storeinfo__", user_defined={'kosh_information': {}})
        if hasattr(records, "insert"):  # Readonly can't insert
            # It's possible many ranks will try to create this record
            # They are all identical, let's allow the error
            except Exception:
        rec = store_info[0]
        # This will fail if we get to version x.10
        # revisit then...
        ver = sum(
            [float(x) / 10**i for i, x in enumerate(version().split(".")) if x[0] != 'g'])
        min_ver = rec["data"]["kosh_min_version"]["value"]
        min_ver = sum(
            [float(x) / 10**i for i, x in enumerate(min_ver.split("."))])
        if ver < min_ver:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "This Kosh store requires Kosh version greater than {}, you have {}".format(min_ver, version()))
    need_update = False
    if "sources_type" not in rec["data"]:
        rec.add_data("sources_type", "file")
        need_update = True
    if "users_type" not in rec["data"]:
        rec.add_data("users_type", "user")
        need_update = True
    if "groups_type" not in rec["data"]:
        rec.add_data("groups_type", "group")
        need_update = True
    if "loaders_type" not in rec["data"]:
        rec.add_data("loaders_type", "koshloader")
        need_update = True
    if "ensembles_type" not in rec["data"]:
        rec.add_data("ensembles_type", "kosh_ensemble")
        need_update = True
    if "ensemble_predicate" not in rec["data"]:
        if ensemble_predicate is None:
            rec.add_data("ensemble_predicate", "is a member of ensemble")
            rec.add_data("ensemble_predicate", ensemble_predicate)
        need_update = True
    if "kosh_min_version" not in rec["data"]:
        rec.add_data("kosh_min_version", "1.2.1")
        need_update = True
    if "reserved_types" not in rec["data"]:
        rec.add_data("reserved_types", [
            "__kosh_storeinfo__", "file", "user", "group", "kosh_ensemble", "koshloader"])
        need_update = True
    if sorted(rec["data"]["reserved_types"]["value"]) != ['__kosh_storeinfo__', 'file',
                                                          'group', 'kosh_ensemble',
                                                          'koshloader', 'user']:
        rec["data"]["reserved_types"]["value"] = ['__kosh_storeinfo__',
                                                  'file', 'group', 'kosh_ensemble', 'koshloader', 'user']
        need_update = True
    if need_update and hasattr(records, "insert"):
        except Exception:  # in case multi-processors interfere with each others
        except Exception:  # in case multi-processors interfere with each others
    return rec


Returns version string


Name Type Description Default
comparable bool

returns version as a tuple of ints so it can be compared



Type Description
str | tuple

version string or tuple

Source code in kosh/
def version(comparable=False):
    """Returns version string
    :param comparable: returns version as a tuple of ints so it can be compared
    :type comparable: bool
    :returns: version string or tuple
    :rtype: str or tuple
        __version__ = pkg_resources.get_distribution("kosh").version
    except Exception:
        __version__ = "0.0"
    if comparable:
        tuple_version = ()
        for number in __version__.split("."):
                tuple_version += (int(number),)
            except ValueError:  # Probably some letter or symbol in here
        __version__ = tuple_version
    return __version__

walk_dictionary_keys(dictionary, separator='/')

Walks through a dictionary and return all levels of keys sub dictionary keys are append to parent key with the 'separator'


Name Type Description Default
dictionary dict

The dictionary to walk

separator str

The string to use between a parent key and its children



Type Description

generator of keys and possibly their sub keys

Source code in kosh/
def walk_dictionary_keys(dictionary, separator="/"):
    """Walks through a dictionary and return all levels of keys
    sub dictionary keys are append to parent key with the 'separator'
    :param dictionary: The dictionary to walk
    :type dictionary: dict
    :param separator: The string to use between a parent key and its children
    :type separator: str
    :returns: generator of keys and possibly their sub keys
    :rtype: generator
    out = []
    for key in sorted(dictionary.keys(), key=lambda x: str(x)):
        if isinstance(dictionary[key], dict):
            yld = walk_dictionary_keys(dictionary[key], separator)
            for y in yld:
                st = "{}{}{}".format(key, separator, y)
    return out